Blog Entry 1. 1b

I choose the to demonstrate the 5Is of Internet Marketing.



This website presents all product categories with the textual link like “MEN”, “WOMEN”, and “BOYS”. Customers can select more detailed by clicking on these text or images. The search engines can find specific products more quickly. “Get Help” can solve customer problems online.




Hot products can be displayed directly in the “Favourites” option, customers will be able to select products based on product sales rankings. Moreover, when customers choose one product, the system will automatically picks up a few similar products for customers to select with “YOU MAY ALSO LIKE”.


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NIKE ID is a company-specific product program that allows customers to design some new product online. Customers can choose the colour and materials they like in the order and submit it to the website, after then the factory will complete this product. However, ID products will play more.



NIKE Company promotes its products through social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. They promoted some products, corporate culture and new concepts through some video and stars posters, for occupying the market in this way.

Industry restructuring


NIKE emphasizes its own code of conduct and ethical standards. The company articulated its own selection criteria for suppliers and requirements for potential business partners. In addition, reflecting the trend of industry restructuring through publicly seeking cooperation.

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